Securing HLF MSP, IAF 2 to Open Business Opportunities, Say TNI and Polri Leaders

Aug 30, 2024


Press Release of the Indonesia-Africa Forum II

Police Commissioner General Mohammad Fadil Imran, Polri's Security Maintenance Agency Head (Kabaharkam), and Air Marshal M. Khairil Lubis, Joint Regional Defense II Commander (Pangkogabwilhan II), address reporters regarding the security readiness of the High-Level Forum on Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships and 2nd Indonesia-Africa Forum after leading the troops roll call at the Niti Mandala Field, Renon, Denpasar, Bali, Friday, 30 August 2024. ANTARA/Rolandus Nampu.

Denpasar, 30 August 2024 – The security measures by the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) and the National Police (Polri) during the High-Level Forum on Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships (HLF MSP) and the 2nd Indonesia-Africa Forum (IAF) will show the country's commitment to ensure security stability for international events. This will reaffirm Indonesia's reputation as a haven for international diplomacy to open up promising business opportunities.

"The TNI and Polri personnel presence and readiness in these events show that Indonesia is safe, open and fully committed to dynamic and mutually beneficial international relations,” said Police Commissioner General Mohammad Fadil Imran, Polri's Security Maintenance Agency Head, in the HLF MSP and 2nd IAF troops roll call in Denpasar, Friday, 30 August.

This forum will serve as a platform for diplomatic meetings and open up golden opportunities for business people from numerous countries to explore cooperation in various sectors. This forum will discuss priority cooperation, namely economic transformation, energy, mining, food security, health, and development.

"Good security will enable the participants to focus on their main agenda, including exploring business cooperation opportunities in Indonesia and African countries,” General Fadil added.

He also underscored that TNI and Polri had prepared themselves to face various potential threats that might arise during the events. “Our preparation includes not only physical and technical matters but also strategic planning. Our personnel are prepared with a quick, precise, effective, and measured response,” he said.

In line with Fadil, Air Marshal M. Khairil Lubis, Joint Regional Defense (Pangkogabwilhan) II Commander, said all security personnel and logistics are ready in designated locations.

He also underlined the importance of Balinese community support in maintaining order and hospitality during the event.

TNI and Polri's security and the Bali people's support for this international forum will strengthen Indonesia's image as a safe and business-friendly destination. Bali has proven its reputation as a friendly host of various international events, such as the G20 and the AIS summit, without disrupting the daily activities of the local community.

"Bali offers not only natural beauty but also the stability and security necessary for the success of international events. This is vital to attract more investment and business cooperation in the future,” said Khairil.

The Indonesia-Africa Forum II is believed to strengthen business partnerships with African countries and utilize existing economic potential. Guaranteed security during this event is one of the important factors in attracting international business people to cooperate with Indonesia.

Indonesia invites investors and business people from various sectors to see the great potential while affirming the country's position as a safe and promising business partner in Southeast Asia and the world. (Rolandus Nampu, Didik Kusbiantoro/TR / Elvira Inda Sari).


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