Kominfo Calls for National Participation in HLF-MSP and 2nd IAF in Bali

Aug 30, 2024


Press Release of the Indonesia-Africa Forum II

Director General of Public Information and Communication of the Ministry of Communications and Informatics Prabunindya Revta Revolusi, on Friday (30 August 2024), invited all elements of the nation to actively participate in the success of the High-Level Forum Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships (HLF-MSP) and the 2nd Indonesia-Africa Forum (IAF) to be held on 1—3 September 2024 in Bali.

Jakarta, 30 August 2024 - The Director General of Public Information and Communications of the Ministry of Communications and Informatics (Kominfo), Prabunindya Revta Revolusi, invited all elements of the nation to actively participate in the successful organization of the High-Level Forum on Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships (HLF-MSP) and the 2nd Indonesia-Africa Forum (IAF) to be held on 1—3 September 2024 in Bali.

He mentioned that these international forums are crucial for Indonesia to strengthen cross-sector collaboration as part of the efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) amidst the increasingly complex global challenges.

Additionally, the HLF-MSP and IAF also serve as platforms of cooperation among developing countries, developed countries, international organizations, and for strengthening partnerships between Indonesia and Africa.

With the theme "Strengthening Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships for Development: Towards a Transformative Change," this forum is expected to become a strategic moment to drive policy dialogues and strengthen global commitment to sustainable development.

"In three days, we will welcome the presence of delegations from Asia, Africa, Latin America, the Pacific, North America, and Europe. This forum will be chaired directly by President Joko Widodo and supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bappenas (National Development Planning Agency), and Kominfo. About 500 journalists, local and foreign, have confirmed to cover the event," said Prabu on Friday (30 August 2024

Over 1,000 Participants

The HLF-MSP and 2nd IAF will bring together over 1,000 participants, including 31 heads of state/government, high officials from various countries, international organizations, multilateral development banks, the private sector, civil society organizations, philanthropy, and academics.

Prabu Revolusi emphasized that the participation of all elements of the society is crucial to support the smooth running and success of the forums. The successful organization of these international forums not only reflects Indonesia's image in the eyes of the world but also demonstrates Indonesia's commitment to advancing sustainable development through global cooperation.

"The support of all elements of the nation is crucial, as these two forums are significant for Indonesia's reputation and image on the international stage," added Prabu Revolusi.

With collaboration from all walks of life, Indonesia hopes to strengthen its position as a leader in global diplomacy and sustainable development, while enhancing dynamic and mutually beneficial international relations. (US/TR/Elvira Inda Sari/SW/PR).


For more information, please contact:

Director of Information and Communication for Legal, Political, and Security Affairs, Ministry of Communications and Informatics - Marroli Jeni Indarto (081310711160)

Get more information at https://infopublik.id/kategori/hlf-msp-iaf
