HLF-MSP 2024: Bappenas, Mofa Highlights Alternative Financing Solutions To Achieve SDGS

Aug 15, 2024


Press Release of the High-Level Forum on Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships

Jakarta, 15/08/2024 The National Development Planning Minister/National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) Head Suharso Monoarfa and the Foreign Affairs Minister Retno Marsudi held a limited meeting to discuss the arrangements for the agenda of the High-Level Forum on Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships (HLF MSP) 2024 and the 2nd Indonesia-Africa Forum (IAF), on Thursday, 15 August. The forum, scheduled for 1—3 September, is a part of Indonesia's endeavors to enhance its role in various international fora and demonstrate leadership in promoting global unity as a testament to its commitment to the Vision of Golden Indonesia 2045.

Minister Suharso emphasized the importance of preparing strong and realistic information for the public, particularly about alternative financing solutions to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) targets, to attract attention and build global solidarity through multi-party partnerships, particularly with countries in the Southern Hemisphere, including Africa.

"Indonesia is working to establish an alternative financing mechanism to facilitate development spending in Africa. We see great potential in Africa in the next ten years, where the region will dominate world population growth," explained Minister Suharso. This alternative financing commitment is expected to attract global attention and strengthen Indonesia's relations with Southern countries, especially Africa, regarding economy and development.

Minister Retno emphasized the significance of clearly and accurately communicating Indonesia's commitment and contribution on the global stage to the public. Providing this accurate information ensures that the general public comprehends and supports Indonesia's active role on the world stage.

The HLF MSP 2024 is expected to serve as a momentum for Indonesia to showcase its leadership in the global arena, particularly in international issues of SDGs and strategic collaboration with countries in the Southern region. This forum will also serve as a crucial platform for Indonesia to promote strategic initiatives in the economic, social, and environmental domains, aligning with the national vision outlined in the National Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPN) 2025—2045.

