HLF MSP 2024 to Accelerate Achievement of 2045 Golden Indonesia Vision

Aug 21, 2024


Press Release of the High-Level Forum on Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships

Deputy for Politics, Law, Defense, and Security of the Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency (PPN/Bappenas) Bogat Widyatmoko, on Wednesday (21 August 2024), said that the High-Level Forum on Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships (HLF MSP) 2024 is Indonesia's concrete effort to invite the world to prepare solutions to face increasingly complex global challenges. (Photo: Bappenas)

Jakarta, 01/08/2024 Indonesia will host the international meeting of the High-Level Forum on Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships (HLF MSP) 2024, which will be held in Bali from 1 to 3 September 2024. The forum is a concrete effort by Indonesia to invite the world to prepare solutions to face the increasingly complex global challenges.

It was emphasized by Bogat Widyatmoko, Deputy for Politics, Law, Defense, and Security of the Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency (PPN/Bappenas), on Wednesday (21 August 2024). Bogat explained that the forum is a strategic initiative to address three major global problems: global polycrisis, weakening multilateralism, and the impact of the global pandemic.

"HLF MSP 2024 is here as a platform to respond to various global crises that have widened the development gap between countries in the South and North and slowed down the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030," said Deputy Bogat.

He also emphasized that Indonesia is strongly committed to encouraging global solidarity while accelerating the achievement of 2045 Golden Indonesia Vision through innovative and transformative multi-party partnerships.

The three focuses of discussion at the HLF MSP 2024 meeting are first Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships for Strengthening South-South and Triangular Cooperation, which is cross-country partnerships that strengthen South-South and Triangular cooperation to create joint solutions in facing global challenges.

Second, Enhancing Welfare and Sustainability through Sustainable Economy, namely formulating a collaboration strategy to improve welfare and sustainability through a sustainable economy by emphasizing the importance of environmental integration in economic development.

Third, Advancing Development through Innovative Financing, which encourages development through innovative financing which is the key to effectively achieving sustainable development goals.

The HLF MSP 2024 is expected to catalyze global efforts to create systemic change based on inclusive partnerships.

The meeting in Bali is expected to encourage growth through trade and investment, especially in developing countries. Discussions at the HLF MSP 2024 meeting are also expected to increase opportunities and easier access to new technologies, increasing economic productivity and efficiency of integration into global trade.

These steps are considered to be able to strengthen Indonesia's role in narrowing the development gap between countries and accelerating the achievement of the 2030 TPB/SDGs. (TR/Elvira Inda Sari/WS/PR)


For further information, please contact:

Head of the Bureau for Public Relations, Archives, and Executive Affairs, Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency - Ardian Budhi Nugroho (082124150454)

Get more information at https://infopublik.id/kategori/hlf-msp-iaf
